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Pink Roses
  • What if the session doesn’t work for me?
    There is no such thing as an “unsuccessful” session. Your session is what YOU need at the time. It may not look like some of the content in the books on Quantum Hypnosis, it may not make the perfect transcript full of profound and evolved sounding information. In fact my very first session was full of crying and swear words. Sometimes the healings and profound realisations come months later, or over the course of a couple of weeks you begin to slowly change your habits. Remember nothing happens overnight, and have patience with yourself after the sessions. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.
  • How to prepare for a session?
    First of all, have your questions ready for me the week of your session. Drink plenty of water, go on contemplative walks, have some quiet time for yourself beforehand. You’ll feel right at ease if you get into the relaxed and quiet zone before having your session. Write down any dreams and revelations you may have.
  • What kinds of things do we discover in the sessions?
    These sessions can go almost anywhere! I’ve had clients visit past lives, alternate existences, their soul family, their passed over family, higher selves, God/source, return back to the womb or childhood, connect in with their inner child, recover soul fragments or missing aspects of self, integrate shadow aspects and trauma, find out fascinating information about missing time, UFO sightings, long lost mysteries or galactic civilisations and so much more! Really at the end of the day it’s a journey of discovery into all aspects of self, so prepare to be amazed by the information you can gain about yourself, and the self healing that comes with that.
  • How many sessions should I have?
    I would wait at least a couple of weeks before having your next session, wait for that to integrate and then you can make a decision to have another. Some people often do need more than one session, sometimes it will be 3 sessions in before you can gain access to the higher self or much higher experiences or hidden knowledge. Think of the sessions like peeling back the layers of an onion, if you have more than one your perception of your life will be changed and transformed each time. Some people aren’t always ready in the first session for some of these deeper explorations, so more are needed in that instance. Packages are offered for people who want to dive right in and change their life.
  • Do online sessions actually work compared to regular sessions?
    Yes they do work really well! I use this method for my own sessions for YouTube that I collaborate with another BQH practitioner to produce, so I can vouch personally that it certainly does work. I like to create a very comfortable space in my bedroom before beginning and I have my iPad on zoom on a stand and Bluetooth headphones, I can also use my phone in this manner. I’ve had sessions before where I propped my phone up and had a charger that had a headphones with microphone plug, fully charged with functioning battery or plugged into charger and it worked perfectly well. If you are concerned however about whether this option will work for you or not, it’s best to book an in person session. However online sessions work just as well in my opinion and, if you’ve already had a BQH (or QHHT) session in person then the online BQH sessions are a piece of cake!
  • What if I want to cancel my session?
    To cancel fully will be a partial refund. However if something has come up for you, you can reschedule for a different day or change your session from an in person to an online. Please do not cancel more than once. If you do not think you can make an appointment, or fit too many things in at once please be honest with yourself and do not book at that time. My time is valuable. I can always rearrange with you for another time but I will need you to be consistent with the next time you book in.
  • I live in another country or another part of Australia but want to have a session what are my options?
    This is why I offer sessions via zoom app! You do not need a paid zoom account, I have a paid account and can record your session even if it goes for 4 hours. I also offer my other services via zoom, such as readings, past life regression, advanced quantum healing. All content will be recorded and sent to your email after. There is also an option for additional price to have it transcribed. If you live in another country please check your time zone beforehand, I live in Australia and am on Sydney time (however I do not live in Sydney please take note).
  • What if I don’t know what to write as my questions?
    Sometimes this happens and in that case I encourage you to book a package deal with a reading in it beforehand or book a seperate reading with me on a day beforehand. Just let me know you are having trouble with your questions and want some guidance and we will go through all of this in the reading, I’ll let you know what areas to hone in on and what things would be beneficial to explore in the session. This can be conducted via zoom and sent as a recording.
  • What kind of things do I need for having an online session?
    You are going to need a set up around your bed or a comfortable recliner chair where you have your laptop on a table or chair, in a place where I can hear and see you easily and you can hear me. Headphones with a microphone also work but please make sure that the microphone is compatible and test this beforehand. I would hate to see your audio recording cut out. You can also use your phone or iPad on a cushion stand or regular stand on your bed, (you can purchase these from Amazon) for my own online sessions I have a set up where I have my iPad on a cushion stand in my bed since my bedroom is very small, and I have Bluetooth headphones with mic. You can also use this method with your phone! I can provide links to the headphones I use if you want to have regular sessions or want to make channeled content it may be wise to invest in these. Make sure you have all the gear you need and a zoom account before we do the session. Gaming headphones with mic capability also works! Please just test the mic with your device beforehand. Also, please have access to a bathroom and some snacks and water on standby. If you are concerned it’s best to have someone else in the house during.
  • How does BQH differ from regular healing practices?
    The reason why I chose to do BQH is because it connects people in with that inner world or their higher self. I noticed with a lot of modalities such as reiki, it was beneficial however it did not involve much self healing and inner exploration. The way the BQH differs is that all of your wonderful inner explorations are brought forth and able to be recorded for future use. This really helps you with your life path and understanding why you are here on this earth. It answers the time old questions such as “who am I?” “What is my reason for being?”. The session itself is very healing, but the take home recording continues to offer healing and guidance afterwards. I was originally a card reader however I really love BQH because it goes into far more depth than what the cards touch on and we can get so much information on various topics. I have my own BQH sessions recorded and in these my higher self is brought forth in a trance state and fascinating revelations are brought to light, I have had many sessions for myself and it helped me to overcome my depression and PCOS symptoms, that was just my personal experience. Everyone’s experiences will be different!
  • How does BQH differ from QHHT?
    With the BQH, we can do online sessions via zoom which are prohibited in the QHHT modality. During the lockdowns and covid pandemic this became incredibly useful for practitioners to reach clients who were locked lockdowns and covid pandemic this became incredibly useful for practitioners to reach clients who were locked in their homes and not in a good space. As technology grows and evolves it makes it easier to assist clients in various ways, and the good thing about the BQH is that it’s flexible enough to adapt with the modern world. BQH practitioners can also use other modalities during sessions to help the client, for example I’m quite gifted in card reading so I offer packages where we explore an in depth card reading about your concerns before we head off to the session. In person I have also done Reiki to clients that need a bit of extra help during the BQH session, and this is very much allowed and encouraged in this modality. Another thing that makes it different is that I can add a modified script in for those people who have trouble getting into a trance state, so as you can see it has many benefits.
  • What if I don’t see anything and have trouble visualising?
    You don’t have to “see” anything to be able to describe something, for example you could describe a tree with apples right now and you don’t necessarily have to visualise it. I could ask you, “what colour are the apples?” And you could say green or red and so on. I’ve had sessions for myself where there are parts of it that are blurry or don’t necessarily see, but my higher self or subconscious voice comes out and describes the situation precisely. Just know that there’s no right or wrong way to have a session. I can also assist with providing some guided meditations for those who have trouble or are very busy in their head. So once you purchase a session please get in contact with me and I’ll assist you.
  • What if I fall asleep during?
    That’s perfectly fine, and has happened before! If we are online we can just connect and continue on another day or if it’s in person I’ll just gently ask you to wake up, and our session can continue as normal. If you are prone to doing this, I suggest having plenty of rest and sleep beforehand so you are well rested before coming. Or just even taking a short break from hectic routines before coming, it will help a lot.
  • What if I have psychosis and/or schizophrenia and still want guidance?
    I have card readings that I can do in this situation but unfortunately, due to medical issues with the trance and hypnosis method being performed on individuals with these contradictions I cannot do this for safety reasons. It can actually bring up the psychosis state again, so for your own safety we will not be doing that. It’s best to tell the truth in this situation because I am not responsible if you withhold the truth from me and something happens. I can just offer readings, as long as the card reading won’t bother or affect you in any way or you aren’t prone to delusions or episodes after receiving the information. I have the right to stop the readings or sessions at any time I deem as necessary. Please remember readings are for entertainment purposes only.
  • What if I need to toilet during the session?
    That is perfectly fine and it happens! We have a break after the interview for toilet, but you can feel like you need to go to the bathroom at any point in the session and we will just continue on as normal and come back to where we left off at.
  • I can’t afford a session right now how do I pay?
    I will have afterpay as an option for you.
  • I want quick spiritual advice but I don’t want to pay?
    Then please do not ask for my services. If you do not want to pay but want advice I suggest learning these modalities yourself. I will not respond to queries asking for free advice, if you need that kind of help you can Google “learning tarot deck” purchase that and receive it straight to your doorstep.
  • I want a spiritual activation without purchasing any sessions how can I proceed?
    My Facebook page has links to videos of BQH sessions from my higher self that give activations and information free for everyone. I will not do personal free advice for you, please watch the videos if you want to watch interesting and helpful content where the Elohim beings I connect with provide activations for anyone to listen to.
  • What if I don’t believe in reincarnation?
    That is fine, we will just call the situations we find in the BQH “stories” to do with your life rather than past life experiences. However you will get so much more out of the sessions if you are open to our multidimensional existence. Life does not begin and end with the body, and this is often what we discover during the sessions which gives clients a greater sense of purpose and meaning.
  • Can we do entity removal before a session?
    Yes absolutely, please select the Advanced Quantum Healing option because this is very similar to the BQH but focuses on the removal of entities at the start and it is very protective. We will also clear your home and space beforehand.
  • I have night terrors and problems with entities, is it safe to do a session?
    That is what the Advanced Quantum Healing option is for. It is a thorough clean and cleanse of your space beforehand so these leave your space before we begin. After purchasing I can also recommend some practices to you, so that you can take charge of your life and not have these problems afterwards.
  • I’m a channeller, I want to have a session to bring out more information, what do you recommend?
    The Advanced Quantum Healing option is a good one for channellers who aren’t as experienced, I’ve discovered in my practice a good deal of channeled messages are not always true, so I always question what comes through. The Advanced Quantum Healing will clear the field of any disturbances beforehand so we can begin with a clean slate and have only high quality messages come through. If you are a more experienced channeller or your connection is stable and you are not nervous about it I recommend the package deals, where you get multiple sessions and transcripts of that information. I can also recommend practices after you purchase sessions of how you can protect your connection during channeling and not allow false messages. Too many times I’ve seen people without spiritual discernment, and they have all kinds of problematic information that comes through. I try to discourage this as much as possible in my practice, and provide street smarts for anyone purchasing sessions who are interested in receiving more clarity.
  • What if I don’t believe in entities?
    That will not affect the quality of the session. You will still get the information or healing you require from your subconscious regardless of what you believe in.
  • What if I am religious?
    The sessions do not discriminate based on religious identity. I do not make fun of people for being religious or believing in Jesus or God. All kinds of visitors can appear during sessions, I’ve seen visits from Jesus, angels, Greek gods, Egyptian gods and even Merlin. I don’t deny the existence of darker aspects either, some practitioners will deny that these exist, within a multidimensional reality everything exists so I have very much found this to be the case. Please be aware that I will do my best to respect your religious and spiritual identity during sessions. However if you are concerned with methods such as tarot, divination and beings such as the Greek and Egyptian deities then I am probably not the practitioner for you because these feature strongly in my personal spiritual practices. Some New Agers have a dislike of Thoth/Hermes so if that is the case I’m also not the practitioner for you, since I have a strong interest in hermetic literature and connection to this being.
  • Can I have the sessions if I am mentally ill?
    Yes, I had sessions despite having depression. And many people with mental illnesses do enjoy and benefit from sessions. This is only a problem with far more acute mental illnesses such as the psychosis and schizophrenia. If you think you are not mentally stable enough to have a session yet then you need to listen to yourself, it would be best not to do it. Only you can be the judge of what you need. However I will stop the session at any time that I think it would be unwise to continue and we will agree on a partial refund if there are problems I can see. It’s best to be honest with yourself and to be honest with me. I am not responsible if you do not disclose your status and make the decision to have a session anyway. Please remember all healing from the sessions is self healing, and to visit a medical professional at the first instance of problems. I am not a medical professional.
  • I find it difficult to do meditation but I want to have a session
    It would be best to try to practice for at least a month beforehand with YouTube guided meditations before having a session. If you are very busy in the head, you can still meditate but you may need some extra help. I suggest a session. If you are very busy in the head, you can still meditate but you may need some extra help. I suggest purchasing the Advanced Quantum Healing instead of the regular BQH and I will spend extra time on assisting you to get into this state. Make sure you book well in advance, so you can practice meditation.
  • What if I am nervous?
    If you have a nervous disposition I suggest purchasing the Advanced Quantum Healing option, and I’ll take extra care to add more relaxation into the induction. However it would help to be very relaxed and not anxious before starting, I can suggest some practices after you purchase a session and are concerned. However if you have extreme anxiety, depending on your temperament that day it would be wise to refrain from doing a session.
  • What if some of the information that comes out makes me angry?
    It can sometimes happen and this is part of the healing process. You need to see the shadow aspect in order to heal. Just know that this is perfectly fine, and to take everything with grain of salt and just have fun with these sessions.
  • What if I do not agree with some of the information?
    That is fine. You are entitled to your own opinion. BQH, the sessions and readings are simply there to help you expand your worldview. You may not be ready to hear it until later on and that’s fine too. Please take everything with a grain of salt, and remember the readings are for entertainment purposes only. I am not a health professional and I do not provide financial advice.
  • What if I have children?
    You need to schedule a day where you will not have your children interrupting you, especially for the online sessions it’s best if your children or animals do not walk in and interfere with you. As for the in person sessions I will not have a child in the room with me while doing the session. It can interfere and disturb the session, so please leave your children with a carer for that day. This is non negotiable.
  • What if I want my child to have a session?
    Please ask about surrogate sessions. I will not do a session on someone who is under 18. You can, as the adult act as a surrogate for them however and I will do the session on you in their place. There are things in the sessions that children will not be able to handle or understand, for example if in their past life they were killed in a frightening way it would be difficult and traumatic to explain this to them.
  • What makes the advanced quantum healing different?
    This one is especially for people who might have trouble getting settled, or have entities or other concerns that require more time than a regular BQH session.
  • What makes the BQH group sessions different?
    First of all, there are no questions asked during. We will all ask questions at the end of the session as to not disturb each other during the meditation aspect. So if you need to have a more personalised session with questions asked for you personally, this is not the option for you. The group session is a group experience first and foremost and we are discovering things as a group together
  • How does BQH differ from regular healing practices?
    The reason why I chose to do BQH is because it connects people in with that inner world or their higher self. I noticed with a lot of modalities such as reiki, it was beneficial however it did not involve much self healing and inner exploration. The way the BQH differs is that all of your wonderful inner explorations are brought forth and able to be recorded for future use. This really helps you with your life path and understanding why you are here on this earth. It answers the time old questions such as “who am I?” “What is my reason for being?”. The session itself is very healing, but the take home recording continues to offer healing and guidance afterwards. I was originally a card reader however I really love BQH because it goes into far more depth than what the cards touch on and we can get so much information on various topics. I have my own BQH sessions recorded and in these my higher self is brought forth in a trance state and fascinating revelations are brought to light, I have had many sessions for myself and it helped me to overcome my depression and PCOS symptoms, that was just my personal experience. Everyone’s experiences will be different!
  • Can I be under 18 and have a session?
    No, sessions are for adults only.
  • How does BQH differ from QHHT?
    With the BQH, we can do online sessions via zoom which are prohibited in the QHHT modality. During the lockdowns and covid pandemic this became incredibly useful for practitioners to reach clients who were locked in their homes and not in a good space. As technology grows and evolves it makes it easier to assist clients in various ways, and the good thing about the BQH is that it’s flexible enough to adapt with the modern world. BQH practitioners can also use other modalities during sessions to help the client, for example I’m quite gifted in card reading so I offer packages where we explore an in depth card reading about your concerns before we head off to the session. In person I have also done Reiki to clients that need a bit of extra help during the BQH session, and this is very much allowed and encouraged in this modality. Another thing that makes it different is that I can add a modified script in for those people who have trouble getting into a trance state, so as you can see it has many benefits.
  • Do online sessions actually work compared to regular sessions?
    Yes they do work really well! I use this method for my own sessions for YouTube that I collaborate with another BQH practitioner to produce, so I can vouch personally that it certainly does work. I like to create a very comfortable space in my bedroom before beginning and I have my iPad on zoom on a stand and Bluetooth headphones, I can also use my phone in this manner. I’ve had sessions before where I propped my phone up and had a charger that had a headphones with microphone plug, fully charged with functioning battery or plugged into charger and it worked perfectly well. If you are concerned however about whether this option will work for you or not, it’s best to book an in person session. However online sessions work just as well in my opinion and, if you’ve already had a BQH (or QHHT) session in person then the online BQH sessions are a piece of cake!
  • What makes the advanced quantum healing different?
    This one is especially for people who might have trouble getting settled, or have entities or other concerns that require more time than a regular BQH session.
  • What if I can’t fall into trance?
    Think of the sessions as more of a gentle guided meditation, I have videos that I can link you after you purchase a session and contact me with your concerns that you can practice with beforehand and if you practice these online guided meditations you’ll easily be able to do it once it comes time for your session. You can also choose to purchase Advanced Quantum Healing instead of the BQH, the induction goes for longer and gives you a lot more time to prepare. I would also recommend an in person session rather than online.
  • I find it difficult to do meditation but I want to have a session
    It would be best to try to practice for at least a month beforehand with YouTube guided meditations before having a session. If you are very busy in the head, you can still meditate but you may need some extra help. I suggest a session. If you are very busy in the head, you can still meditate but you may need some extra help. I suggest purchasing the Advanced Quantum Healing instead of the regular BQH and I will spend extra time on assisting you to get into this state. Make sure you book well in advance, so you can practice meditation.
  • What if I am nervous?
    If you have a nervous disposition I suggest purchasing the Advanced Quantum Healing option, and I’ll take extra care to add more relaxation into the induction. However it would help to be very relaxed and not anxious before starting, I can suggest some practices after you purchase a session and are concerned. However if you have extreme anxiety, depending on your temperament that day it would be wise to refrain from doing a session.
  • Can we do entity removal before a session?
    Yes absolutely, please select the Advanced Quantum Healing option because this is very similar to the BQH but focuses on the removal of entities at the start and it is very protective. We will also clear your home and space beforehand.
  • I have night terrors and problems with entities, is it safe to do a session?
    That is what the Advanced Quantum Healing option is for. It is a thorough clean and cleanse of your space beforehand so these leave your space before we begin. After purchasing I can also recommend some practices to you, so that you can take charge of your life and not have these problems afterwards.
  • I’m a channeller, I want to have a session to bring out more information, what do you recommend?
    The Advanced Quantum Healing option is a good one for channellers who aren’t as experienced, I’ve discovered in my practice a good deal of channeled messages are not always true, so I always question what comes through. The Advanced Quantum Healing will clear the field of any disturbances beforehand so we can begin with a clean slate and have only high quality messages come through. If you are a more experienced channeller or your connection is stable and you are not nervous about it I recommend the package deals, where you get multiple sessions and transcripts of that information. I can also recommend practices after you purchase sessions of how you can protect your connection during channeling and not allow false messages. Too many times I’ve seen people without spiritual discernment, and they have all kinds of problematic information that comes through. I try to discourage this as much as possible in my practice, and provide street smarts for anyone purchasing sessions who are interested in receiving more clarity.
  • What if I don’t believe in entities?
    That will not affect the quality of the session. You will still get the information or healing you require from your subconscious regardless of what you believe in.
  • What makes the past life regression different?
    We will just be focusing the majority of the time on past lives only. In BQH or advanced quantum healing the higher self, guides or soul family of the person can be the focal point. We can go anywhere during BQH sessions but if you just want to see past lives only, please select the past life regression option.
  • What if I want to explore my akashic records?
    Please let me know beforehand for the past life Regression option that you want to choose to do this, this will help you be able to access the records later on in meditation as well. Once you do it the first time, doing it the second time is far easier.
  • What are the akashic records?
    The akashic records are are storehouse where the information about the universe and the souls within it are recorded. Each planet and soul has its own records. You can access your own records of your souls history, and see your past lifetimes and any information you need to know about yourself. You don’t need to be a psychic these days to learn how to do so, these can be accessed using quantum hypnosis and deep meditation which I will assist you with.
  • What makes the past life regression different?
    We will just be focusing the majority of the time on past lives only. In BQH or advanced quantum healing the higher self, guides or soul family of the person can be the focal point. We can go anywhere during BQH sessions but if you just want to see past lives only, please select the past life regression option.
  • What if I don’t like the information presented?
    The readings are for entertainment purposes only, please take everything with a grain of salt. You do not need to agree with the information, I simply channel my highest self or God/source and interpret intuitively the meanings of the cards in relation to your questions and energies. I only read what the cards have to say.
  • How experienced are you at being a psychic and card reading?
    I’ve been a self taught card reader for a long time, when I was 13 I got a few packs of oracle cards and did readings for myself to pass the time. I was gifted intuitively and also very much clairvoyant all my life. As I got older into my 20s, I learned the tarot after being a huge fan of Tarot By Janine who used to be on YouTube, and did readings for myself, friends and family. I was so popular with this, I was always getting messages on Facebook from friends “Can you pull out the cards for me Elizabeth?” and we would delve into their pressing questions. As I began to explore mysteries, I would pull cards about a situation and see it play out exactly as I had seen in the cards. Many of the events that I interpreted in the cards came to pass in my personal life and in others. I am also very gifted in symbolic meanings due to taking Fine Art and Fine Art history at the University of Newcastle, artists quite frequently must interpret meanings and I love the traditional Rider Waite deck, and other decks that have rich meaning, beautiful illustrations and symbolism. I don’t feel one has to take a specialised course to be gifted in the psychic arts, I practice cards and do intuitive readings daily so I am well versed in such.
  • What kinds of things do we discover in the sessions?
    These sessions can go almost anywhere! I’ve had clients visit past lives, alternate existences, their soul family, their passed over family, higher selves, God/source, return back to the womb or childhood, connect in with their inner child, recover soul fragments or missing aspects of self, integrate shadow aspects and trauma, find out fascinating information about missing time, UFO sightings, long lost mysteries or galactic civilisations and so much more! Really at the end of the day it’s a journey of discovery into all aspects of self, so prepare to be amazed by the information you can gain about yourself, and the self healing that comes with that.
  • How does BQH differ from regular healing practices?
    The reason why I chose to do BQH is because it connects people in with that inner world or their higher self. I noticed with a lot of modalities such as reiki, it was beneficial however it did not involve much self healing and inner exploration. The way the BQH differs is that all of your wonderful inner explorations are brought forth and able to be recorded for future use. This really helps you with your life path and understanding why you are here on this earth. It answers the time old questions such as “who am I?” “What is my reason for being?”. The session itself is very healing, but the take home recording continues to offer healing and guidance afterwards. I was originally a card reader however I really love BQH because it goes into far more depth than what the cards touch on and we can get so much information on various topics. I have my own BQH sessions recorded and in these my higher self is brought forth in a trance state and fascinating revelations are brought to light, I have had many sessions for myself and it helped me to overcome my depression and PCOS symptoms, that was just my personal experience. Everyone’s experiences will be different!
  • How does BQH differ from QHHT?
    With the BQH, we can do online sessions via zoom which are prohibited in the QHHT modality. During the lockdowns and covid pandemic this became incredibly useful for practitioners to reach clients who were locked in their homes and not in a good space. As technology grows and evolves it makes it easier to assist clients in various ways, and the good thing about the BQH is that it’s flexible enough to adapt with the modern world. BQH practitioners can also use other modalities during sessions to help the client, for example I’m quite gifted in card reading so I offer packages where we explore an in depth card reading about your concerns before we head off to the session. In person I have also done Reiki to clients that need a bit of extra help during the BQH session, and this is very much allowed and encouraged in this modality. Another thing that makes it different is that I can add a modified script in for those people who have trouble getting into a trance state, so as you can see it has many benefits.
  • Do online sessions actually work compared to regular sessions?
    Yes they do work really well! I use this method for my own sessions for YouTube that I collaborate with another BQH practitioner to produce, so I can vouch personally that it certainly does work. I like to create a very comfortable space in my bedroom before beginning and I have my iPad on zoom on a stand and Bluetooth headphones, I can also use my phone in this manner. I’ve had sessions before where I propped my phone up and had a charger that had a headphones with microphone plug, fully charged with functioning battery or plugged into charger and it worked perfectly well. If you are concerned however about whether this option will work for you or not, it’s best to book an in person session. However online sessions work just as well in my opinion and, if you’ve already had a BQH (or QHHT) session in person then the online BQH sessions are a piece of cake! What if I don’t like the information presented? These readings are for entertainment purposes only, please take everything with a grain of salt. You do not need to agree with the information, I simply channel my highest self or God/source and interpret intuitively the meanings of the cards in relation to your questions and energies. I only read what the cards have to say.
  • How experienced are you at being a psychic and card reading?
    I’ve been a self taught card reader for a long time, when I was 13 I got a few packs of oracle cards and did readings for myself to pass the time. I was gifted intuitively and also very much clairvoyant all my life. As I got older into my 20s, I learned the tarot after being a huge fan of Tarot By Janine who used to be on YouTube, and did readings for myself, friends and family. I was so popular with this, I was always getting messages on Facebook from friends “Can you pull out the cards for me Elizabeth?” and we would delve into their pressing questions. As I began to explore mysteries, I would pull cards about a situation and see it play out exactly as I had seen in the cards. Many of the events that I interpreted in the cards came to pass in my personal life and in others. I am also very gifted in symbolic meanings due to taking Fine Art and Fine Art history at the University of Newcastle, artists quite frequently must interpret meanings and I love the traditional Rider Waite deck, and other decks that have rich meaning, beautiful illustrations and symbolism. I don’t feel one has to take a specialised course to be gifted in the psychic arts, I practice cards and do intuitive readings daily so I am well versed in such.
  • What if I want to ask questions about financial situations and my health?
    These readings are not for financial or health advice, please visit a qualified professional in these areas of concern These readings are for entertainment purposes only
  • What makes the BQH group sessions different?
    First of all, there are no questions asked during. We will all ask questions at the end of the session as to not disturb each other during the meditation aspect. So if you need to have a more personalised session with questions asked for you personally, this is not the option for you. The group session is a group experience first and foremost and we are discovering things as a group together.
  • What if my friend cancels and can’t make it to the group session?
    A partial refund will be provided for that persons slot.
  • What if the session doesn’t work for me?
    There is no such thing as an “unsuccessful” session. Your session is what YOU need at the time. It may not look like some of the content in the books on Quantum Hypnosis, it may not make the perfect transcript full of profound and evolved sounding information. Sometimes the healings and profound realisations come months later, or over the course of a couple of weeks you begin to slowly change your habits. Remember nothing happens overnight, and have patience with yourself after the sessions. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.
  • What if my friend is unruly or cannot get along well with others in the group?
    It’s best to only invite people to your group that will uplift the intentions that the group sets together. If there are any unruly or disruptive behaviours unfortunately I will have to remove the offending person from the group for the benefit of others having the session. Please be honest with yourself, and only let people in this group session whom you trust. I am not responsible for managing adults behaviour.
  • Can I be under 18 and have a group session?
    No, group sessions are for adults only.
  • Can I take alcohol or drugs before the group session to get into a deeper state?
    I strongly advise against this and will have to remove any members of the group who are intoxicated. If there are any unruly or disruptive behaviours I will also remove the offending person from the group.
  • My friend wouldn’t stop talking over everyone else during the session and I’m feeling disappointed, what can I do?
    I advise against inviting loud personalities to the group sessions, please carefully consider who you choose to invite. Some people may need a one on one session instead of a group one, if you do not think this is a good option for you or some of the members of the group, choose the regular BQH option. I’m not responsible for managing adults behaviours, however I will try to make sure everyone gets a chance to speak. Sometimes it’s as simple as not inviting a person who would have personality clashes with the other group members or a person that hogs the spotlight, only you know who is appropriate to invite and who isn’t. I am not responsible for a loud personality in the group, but I will let them know that they need to give others the chance to talk.
  • How to prepare for a session?
    First of all, have your questions ready for me the week of your session. Drink plenty of water, go on contemplative walks, have some quiet time for yourself beforehand. You’ll feel right at ease if you get into the relaxed and quiet zone before having your session. Write down any dreams and revelations you may have.
  • What kinds of things do we discover in the sessions?
    These sessions can go almost anywhere! I’ve had clients visit past lives, alternate existences, their soul family, their passed over family, higher selves, God/source, return back to the womb or childhood, connect in with their inner child, recover soul fragments or missing aspects of self, integrate shadow aspects and trauma, find out fascinating information about missing time, UFO sightings, long lost mysteries or galactic civilisations and so much more! Really at the end of the day it’s a journey of discovery into all aspects of self, so prepare to be amazed by the information you can gain about yourself, and the self healing that comes with that.
  • What kind of things do I need for having an online session?
    You are going to need a set up around your bed or a comfortable recliner chair where you have your laptop on a table or chair, in a place where I can hear and see you easily and you can hear me. Headphones with a microphone also work but please make sure that the microphone is compatible and test this beforehand. I would hate to see your audio recording cut out. You can also use your phone or iPad on a cushion stand or regular stand on your bed, (you can purchase these from Amazon) for my own online sessions I have a set up where I have my iPad on a cushion stand in my bed since my bedroom is very small, and I have Bluetooth headphones with mic. You can also use this method with your phone! I can provide links to the headphones I use if you want to have regular sessions or want to make channeled content it may be wise to invest in these. Make sure you have all the gear you need and a zoom account before we do the session. Gaming headphones with mic capability also works! Please just test the mic with your device beforehand.
  • Will you edit out information in the transcripts?
    I will only edit for grammar and readability purposes. I will not edit out important information, I will keep the integrity of the script.
  • What if I can make my transcripts myself?
    Please go ahead, this service is for people who do not have the time or want to spend the effort to write out or edit a long session transcript.
  • My session was very long, will you still be able to make a transcript?
    Yes. I can make transcripts of even very long sessions and multiple transcripts. Length is no problem.
  • My voice is too hard to hear in my audio recording, can we still make a transcript?
    The voice recognition software used for creation of transcripts, I find it picks up even very small details. However, this may be more difficult. For the best quality, please place the device closer to your head during sessions or better still, use a headset with microphone around the mouth during online sessions if you know your voice is hard to pick up on.
  • What kinds of things do we talk about in the readings?
    We will go into the questions you have to ask, and take a really deep look into these. This is a deep dive reading experience into everything you need to know at the moment, and your own life. We will also delve into your karmic blocks in this life and in many lifetimes, starseed origins, and past life situations. This is also a good place to ask about relationships in your current life that you feel might be related to past lives. A great opportunity to ask questions about family, friends, ancestors, your life path, choices, children, future, loved ones. As well as we can also delve deeply into mysteries, galactic questions, world situations, politics and more! I’m very versatile as a reader and have done questions on everything from relationships, politics to past lives.
  • What if I don’t like the information presented?
    These readings are for entertainment purposes only, please take everything with a grain of salt. You do not need to agree with the information, I simply channel my highest self or God/source and interpret intuitively the meanings of the cards in relation to your questions and energies. I only read what the cards have to say.
  • How experienced are you at being a psychic and card reading?
    I’ve been a self taught card reader for a long time, when I was 13 I got a few packs of oracle cards and did readings for myself to pass the time. I was gifted intuitively and also very much clairvoyant all my life. As I got older into my 20s, I learned the tarot after being a huge fan of Tarot By Janine who used to be on YouTube, and did readings for myself, friends and family. I was so popular with this, I was always getting messages on Facebook from friends “Can you pull out the cards for me Elizabeth?” and we would delve into their pressing questions. As I began to explore mysteries, I would pull cards about a situation and see it play out exactly as I had seen in the cards. Many of the events that I interpreted in the cards came to pass in my personal life and in others. I am also very gifted in symbolic meanings due to taking Fine Art and Fine Art history at the University of Newcastle, artists quite frequently must interpret meanings and I love the traditional Rider Waite deck, and other decks that have rich meaning, beautiful illustrations and symbolism. I don’t feel one has to take a specialised course to be gifted in the psychic arts, I practice cards and do intuitive readings daily so I am well versed in such.
  • What if I want to ask questions about financial situations and my health?
    These readings are not for financial or health advice, please visit a qualified professional in these areas of concern. These readings are for entertainment purposes only.
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