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Writer's pictureErie Mello

Alnitak Alnitakian Orion Starseeds

Updated: Aug 19, 2024

These beings occupy the Orion’s Belt stars of Alnitak and Alninam, and were a negative species that originally evolved from the peaceful Lyran humanoid race. As the elf-like Lyran humanoids split off after the genocide and destruction of many Lyran paradise worlds by the Draco reptilians, this was the species of Lyran that went in a different direction and aligned with reptilian interests. They became hybridised with more reptilian DNA and as a result, they look humanoid with slightly pointed ears but with textured grey toned skin. They were just a minion race for races above them such as the reptilians and Draco.

They could have various different shades of hair or tones to their skin, some were darker grey others had a lighter grey shade to their skin. Some even had red hair!

I believe this is where we get ideas of dark elves or drow elves from fantasy stories, perhaps these were the memories of this species and their temperament. There’s a far more in depth exploration about this Orion species in this full length galactic past life regression here

They had a strict caste system, and employed use of slaves, this was quite sadly common in their societies. Their servants could be their own kind or they could be other species, Pleiadians were sometimes taken to be used as slaves for these beings especially for the men. There were situations where Pleiadian planets were invaded and the women were primarily taken by the reptilians to be human trafficked for the Alnitak and other species, this often placated the minion races underneath the reptilians, as I saw in this confronting quantum hypnosis past life regression here, the Alnitak had a fondness for Pleiadians.

The Alnitak as the minions for the Draco Reptilian empire were often sent out as cannon fodder for their militaries, Dark empire ships would have a mixture of different species working for the negative side. In this regression I saw them again, and after their ships crashed and the survivors were hauled out by the positive lyrans and questioned. There was often a lot of tension between the positive Lyran humanoid offshoot races and the Alnitak due to the path that they had chosen.

Another race that was often at war with the Alnitak were the Rigellian Alukark, there were various turf wars in Orion when the Rigellians decided to colonise the rainforest planet Maldramar that orbits Rigel, the Alnitak decided to attack their colonies and the Rigellians from the mountain planet Kupeki had to stop them. This was a very dark time in galactic history and the Rigellians were under orders strictly to kill any Alnitak on site and save their colonies. This is sad because the Rigellians and Alnitak BOTH originated from the Lyran humanoids that escaped the genocide of Lyra, as they drifted apart sometimes these originally Lyran species were ar war with each other, you can view that regression here.

These beings were heavily involved in the Orion wars so if you have placements in your chart around Alnitak and Alninam, you could have had lifetimes as these beings. It’s important to note that they aren’t all negative, there were many positive oriented souls that incarnated here to help shift their energies, many souls that cared about the lyrans deeply and knew that the Alnitak were still a part of the Lyran family regardless of what happened.

If you’re an Alnitak Starseed, you can have the following traits pop up:

  • You love dark fantasy stories, tales of magic and sorcery

  • Can sometimes be hot headed, they had a tendency to blow up

  • Movies and media about sci fi and galactic wars also excites you

  • You are very resilient and hardy

  • Sometimes you shut your feelings away and do not express them. They had to bottle up their true feelings a lot.

  • Sometimes feelings of I’m more intelligent than others pops up for you

  • Like many negative reprilians and negative hybrids, stupidity and weakness can sometimes be a repulsive trait for you. This was particularly looked down upon.

  • Can sometimes have a tendency to have depression

  • Your body sometimes can’t handle being a vegan, or not eating meat, as a reptilian hybrid they were meat eating humanoids and needed this in their diets.

I’ll put more information here as it comes up relating to the Alnitak. Please credit this page if you are sharing this information.

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