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Lepus Starseeds

As we continue on galactic origins and accessing information in the Akashic records and through quantum hypnosis sessions, we do come across new beings that we haven’t seen before. I will keep updating these pages as I find out more information, there may even be quantum hypnosis sessions of these beings in the future so keep your eyes peeled and make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel.

The beings from Lepus have appeared very briefly in hypnosis sessions and readings before, I did a session on a client once and they briefly saw an upright standing bipedal rabbit being before they moved on to the lifetime that they wanted to view. Another time I was doing a reading on a client and a rabbit appeared in the background, while I spoke to the main spirit guide of that person.

In these readings I facilitate, the galactic beings have said to me that the constellations themselves are clues for what kind of beings live there. In times long ago, someone or something with a lot of knowledge about what’s in our Galaxy must have given humans some interesting knowledge of the stars they can remember thousands of years later.

What I’ve learned from going through the Akashic records is that there are rabbit beings and rabbit being hybrids in the constellation of Lepus. The rabbit beings are highly evolved bipedal rabbits, and perhaps lent some of their DNA to the little creature we call the rabbit today. I haven’t seen too much about these beings so we will find out more in future about them, I’m looking forward to discovering more when that information presents itself.

The Star Nihal however contains a race of hybrid humanoid rabbit beings, a mix of rabbits from Lepus and humanoids originating from Lyra. These hybrid rabbit humans have a layer of peach fuzz on the skin, long ears, rabbit noses and whiskers and long hair on their heads (sometimes as I could see it was white or grey in colour). They wear long robes like their Lyran ancestors, and are incredibly psychic and intuitive. They’re very much skilled in ceremonies and light magic, essentially super charged psychic abilities that I saw they used to connect in with the moon that orbits their planet and to shield their planet from unwanted guests.

These beings are very family oriented, and loving and they work as a tight knit community.

If you have a connection to these beings, you can find out here through your galactic astrology chart.

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