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Rigel Orion Rigelian Starseeds

Writer's picture: Erie MelloErie Mello

Updated: 4 days ago

Do you remember the Orion Wars? If you do you might remember these guys, orbiting the Rigel star system, the Rigelian “Alukark” race.

You might have had a lot of Rigel lives if:

- You have a connection to technology

- Movies and anime about wars in space and galactic conflicts resonate deeply

- You can enjoy video games

- You have a strong sense of justice and want to help others

- You care about humans and humanoid beings

- You enjoy physical pleasures like delicious food

- Sometimes you can tap into your psychic abilities

- The rainforest or mountains give you a great sense of peace

- You are a prepper! You stockpile or prepare if you sense something is going on. Sometimes to the extent of hoarding. You always make sure you have enough stocked in your cupboards.

- You like to follow a protocol or step by step process

Rigellian starseeds deal with the trauma of survival, and can know when something bad is about to happen. They make preparations and make sure they are well equipped to handle tough times.

During the Orion wars these beings developed advanced technology and weaponry and prepared so much to the extent that they could reach out and help other civilisations. Their systems worked like a well oiled machine, and they helped each other to survive.

In the times of the lyran wars, they carry the trauma of the genocide of Lyra within their DNA and used this to become warriors. They were once lyran beings.

The Alukark race world “Maldramar”is situated in the Rigel system in the Orion constellation.

Rigel is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. It has the Bayer designation β Orionis, which is Latinized to Beta Orionis and abbreviated Beta Ori or β Ori. Rigel is the brightest and most massive component – and the eponym – of a star system of at least four stars that appear as a single blue-white point of light to the naked eye. This system is located at a distance of approximately 860 light-years (260 pc) from the Sun.

Here are some facts about them from quantum hypnosis sessions:

- They came from a mountainous world called Kupeki and then colonised Maldramar

- Maldramar has bioluminescent jungles and lifeforms

- Their bloodline is originally from the elf humanoids that escaped Lyra, but they are genetically modified and appear a lot different to the originals

- Their eyes and senses are very keen, they have a very good sense of smell and also very strong psychic abilities. Their dark eyes could spot ships coming into the atmosphere from a long distance.

- They were heavily involved in the Orion wars and many who are drawn to this period will have had lifetimes as these beings.

- A lot of their technology in the wars was focused on iron man type of armoured suits and ships which later evolved into advanced multi use weapons, a range of advanced suits, cybernetic enhancements, cyborgs, advanced ships and ship dismantling technology.

- They were very successful despite all their hardships

- Visited earth long ago in the past during a period of great conflict

- They ate big bugs, vegetables and fruits. Maldramar had big bugs which they cooked into lobster type of dishes.

- Natural reproduction is rarer but definitely a choice, a large percentage of Alukark are grown and gestated in tubes. They are grown to adult size.

- Their society does not have many children, this is also a choice, after subsequent invasions it was safer to not have children, instead many were grown to adult size and do not experience childhood

- Their planets have many layers of bunkers and underground facilities due to lockdowns and invasions.

- They also share a love of video games and have a lot of immersive educational games in virtual reality, their games are how they train and educate

- A council of elders gets to choose the king and makes most of the decisions for their world

- Now they have ascended to a semi physical form

- They watch over humanity but do not interfere as much as they had in the past

The quantum hypnosis past life regression sessions about them are here:

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