Transmission and activation from Thoth on receiving life force energy, the meaning of the Ankh symbol ☀️
The activation is throughout the text.
Others will begin to remember the ways. If they do not, you will show them. Their higher selves will begin to knock on their doors, reality will start to break down and crumble.
What do you mean by reality breaking down?
I want to draw your attention to a tree, a big tree, this fig tree. It has everything that it needs contained within it, while it receives nourishment from around it, it gives birth to itself, look at all of these little seeds. (He opens up a fig in his hand and shows me the inside) It drops these fruits to the ground containing thousands upon thousands of seeds, some of these seeds do not sprout, but… some of them do. And now the trees have begun to grow, the seeds you have seeded have begun to sprout, the seeds that have been prepared by the ascended masters have begun to sprout. One tree may produce a dozen other trees in its life, but what if there were many trees putting down so many seeds? A great big forest is growing, a forest that has been planted by all the beings that came here that wanted to seed liberation, and as you look all around you the forest grows exponentially, more sunlight has been given from source to help bridge the gap, to grow up the forest very quickly, because it is time, everything in the universe has its time cycle placement and this is the time for this particular event.
It is time for the explosion of life, to begin again after much negativity, what you were doing beforehand was barely living. The breath of life, the ankh was barely within you, the prana was pinched off to a severe degree (it still is), and now it is time for life to return to beyond the dream, it’s time to awaken from the nightmare and take the breath of light, and start to breathe as if you have never breathed before. There will be a difference. (He shows me that part in the matrix movie when Neo pulls out of the pod and gasps for air). When what is realised has fully hit, when what is fully realised and understood what you are missing out on (the Lifestream of prana) you will understand why the ancient peoples of this earth were rumoured to live for many many more years than you, you will understand why the other humanoid extraterrestrials live many many more years than you despite being very genetically close to you.
You have been deprived of something essential to the formation of life, something essential to life itself. This earth has been deprived and slowly starved. We are cutting off the feeding frenzy, this earth and the consciousness of humanity was infected with parasites. And I do not wish to sound harsh but when we take a detached perspective this is what was taking place, like a body riddled with worms and unable to absorb proper nutrients, this is what was happening on a greater scale. We have had various anti parasitic cleanses put in place, so now the prana is making its way to you again but a lot of you don’t know what to do with this. There are still parasites that need to be removed, but you can begin to start to breathe now. Meditate upon letting this in, make it your intention to begin to receive this beautiful nutrition straight from source. Open up the channels of the body, view the ankh in your mind. I am setting an activation for whoever reads. Akah bakte! Be freed, enjoy the life force energy splashing into you now like a waterfall. Please claim it my beloveds.
This is free for the taking, I am not here to dispense it, I am simply drawing your attention to it so that you may take it. Please realise it is upon you now, the ankh, prana, life force energy. The stream does not struggle now, before it was dried up and withered and the fish were dead, now the river has been carved out and it begins to flow again. Open yourself for nourishment for your consciousness.
Q: Were we still receiving some life force energy before yet not as much as we should have?
T: Yes, it was being siphoned from the various life streams here. There was not a wholeness, there was a deficiency of pranic flow. This is being corrected, so make the mark upon the consciousness and take it so that future generations will also easily make use of it. We are allowing a flowing through our hands now, providing the ankh through the hands and handing it to you. The ankh given through the hands is a symbol of activating original remembrance of life force energy. There are portals through our hands which extend to source, as the ankh is given to yourself, pass it on to another as I have told you to do. Remind others of the life force activations. If you need, simply call on receiving the ankh activation for yourself, you can ask for it at any time. It does not need to be attuned to you from a guru, ankh activations are provided to anyone who asks.
From these hands, you can move, channel and heal from this energy. View it coming in, this energy travelling through the veins and body now uninterrupted.
How can we stop the siphoning?
Once you are made aware of this and that this energy is being dispensed more fully to you, simply hold your hand up to activate pranic shielding. Now you are made aware, you can choose to not be in this situation. Yes you can also activate it with your intention, and your raised vibration. Pay attention to how you feel, it feels very different when your energy is not being taken from you.
How was it being taken away to begin with?
It was being siphoned off from the masses, in a collective format. (He shows me a big bubble with streams being siphoned away, beings feeding off of these streams, they hide in the shadows and are not easily seen, we are ignorant to where our energy is going) Occasionally on an individual basis. But the most you have experienced in your life is the siphoning on grand proportions, of the collective consciousness of humanity, which then caused the individual consciousness to become disrupted and very much pinched off.
I wish to speak of the widening now of the energy streams and the correction of this, this is why the chakras when balanced quickly get out of order again and unbalanced to where you need to attend to them regularly. If the main valve is not functioning correctly, then these smaller energy centres don’t work as they should.
So the main valve is the prana which is activated by the Ankh symbol?
Correct. This is just one symbol of many that can be used to activate it, but it is very important this symbol also for the other information it contains with it. This is why it has been given to humanity from ancient times, far before what you have been told. Symbols show the ways. And then the ways are learned. The symbols are a guidance tool.
Apparently they used to say this symbol means “Life is coming” is that what it means?
That and more. Draw your attention to the symbol on the glyphs of the rays of the sun reaching out and giving an ankh, the rays reaching out with hands. Investigate this. This is your guidance of higher remembrances. Life is coming, given to you with love from source. Reach out and take it. Receive it. Take a look at this image.
(The image of the rays of source/atem holding the ankh is apparently very important to look back into, a very activating image. There was a lot of importance placed upon having a look at these depictions, I’ll leave that up to you to look into it)