After having BQH and QHHT sessions on myself many times and facilitating many sessions I have been able to discern which is the wisdom coming from the higher self and which is likely NOT, but the ego or something else interjecting. Here’s a handy guide but it’s not absolute, just general pointers: ☀️
-The higher self will not say things such as “my logical mind would say….” That’s conscious mind
- In a similar vein there’s a sureness and absoluteness about its answers and will not usually say “I think….” Or “I believe….” Or “Maybe….”, anything that denotes that it’s the conscious mind in the front seat guessing the answers for the client. Anything that sounds unsure in its response with the wording, it’s likely you have not got the true higher self.
- The higher self will not be derogatory to the client but has a generally loving presence, it can use harsh language to make a point and do some hard truth telling but generally isn’t mean or derogatory, if it’s derogatory you usually have an entity that is taking control
- The higher self will resonate with the vibration of love, wisdom and wanting what is best for the client at the end of the day
- The higher self will never be unsure of the questions and healing that the client has written down, if it’s unsure you still have conscious mind interfering, IT ALWAYS KNOWS what they have written and if they can’t know something yet then it’ll explain that to you that it’s not in their highest good to know that yet. Everything has divine timing and it’s likely they’ll know later.
- Again if it’s cruel or nasty or just has a bad vibe or the client has pain trying to connect with that or something strange is happening it’s likely something that is not the higher self. Always read the energy of what is speaking through your client.